IU Nuclear Physics

Accelerator Neutrino Group

Our group investigates the properties and interactions of neutrinos. This includes both the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations as well as using the neutrino to probe the structure of the nucleon and nucleus. We are also using neutrino detectors to look for accelerator-produced dark matter.

We do this work...
with support from the National Science Foundation
at Indiana University-Bloomington
within the Physics Department
at the IU CEEM (Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter)
located in MES hall on IUB campus.


Currently, our group is:
  • Rex Tayloe, Dan Salvat: PIs
  • Ben Suh, Bo Johnson, Andrew Orvendahl, Anthony Kelly: IU Graduate students
  • Sam Gladney, Jack Easterday: IU Undergrads
  • Zion Reliford: REU student, Tuskegee U. Undergrad
  • with excellent technical help from: Mark Luxnat, Gerard Visser, John Vanderwerp, physics-dept machine shop.
(Recent) Past members are:
  • Cornelius Salonis, Micah Heath, Sami Waller (REU students)
  • Calvin Nettlehorst, Liam Sherman: Undergrad students (now at grad school)
  • Max Hughes: postdoc (now at MPI-Munich)
  • Jacob Zettlemoyer, former grad student, now FNAL postdoc.
  • Matt Heath, former grad student now ORNL postdoc
  • Ivan Tolstukhin, former postdoc now scientist at Argonne Nat'l Lab
  • Tyler Thornton, former grad student/postdoc now LANL postdoc
  • Robert Cooper, former postdoc/Fermilab IF fellow, now at CRANE.
  • Lance Garrison, former grad student, Ph.D. Spring 2014, now with NNSA
  • Ethan Steele (undergrad, now med. student),

Theses (Recent)

Last Modified: Friday, 19-Jul-2024 13:08:41 EDT